Bowen Therapy Professional Association

Charges and Terms of Business


Please give 24 hours notice of cancellation, otherwise half the fee will be charged.  If no notice received then full charge will be requested.

If you would like to experience the therapeutic value of these treatments, or discuss the treatment in any way, then please call me. Please be assured that all personal information is kept strictly confidential.



45 mins………………£55
60 mins………………£65
85 mins………………£75


The majority of presenting problems show a significant
improvement after three treatments.


Some people prefer to receive treatment in the comfort of their own home.

Cost starting from £75
Bowen charges may be more flexible dependent on situation.

Equine Bowen Therapy

My Equine practise covers an 8 mile radius of Rudgwick for the standard charge and thereafter I charge £2 per extra mile

Charge for initial treatment £65 and
Successive treatments £55

Charge for 2 or more horses reduce fee by £10
Horse and rider charges may be reduced by £10 for home visits

Gift Vouchers available


Amanda Cutler-Little, Bowen therapist in West Sussex. Bowen Technique, Bowen Therapy and Bowen describe the light touch therapy devised by Tom Bowen in Australia. Bowen Therapy is holistic, treating the whole patient, not just symptoms and has been reported to be effective for conditions such as low back pain, sciatica, headache, migraine, asthma, shoulder pain, neck problems, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, RSI and other musculo-skeletal conditions. Bowen Therapy can often have a relaxing effect which may help people suffering from tension or stress syndromes.

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